path: root/templates/page.html
diff options
authorclsr <>2017-08-18 14:08:04 +0200
committerclsr <>2017-08-18 14:08:04 +0200
commit1c15fe67c72b4591feaceeffec0951e34a6c2e46 (patch)
treec22393533916300e73799b9fe630c392a48a1c6b /templates/page.html
Initial commitv0.1.0
Diffstat (limited to 'templates/page.html')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/templates/page.html b/templates/page.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f89e2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/page.html
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+<!doctype html>
+ <head>
+ <meta charset="utf-8" />
+ <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
+ <title>{{with .Doc.Title}}{{.}}{{else}}&nbsp;{{end}}</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/style.css" />
+ <style>main p,main summary,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{white-space: pre-wrap;}</style>
+ <script async src="/static/script.js"></script>
+ {{if .Highlight}}<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/highlight/style.css" />{{end}}
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <header>
+ {{if .Browser -}}
+ <form id="browser" action="/" method="post">
+ <input type="text" name="url" placeholder="cnp://" value="{{if ne .URL "cnp:///"}}{{.URL}}{{end}}" />
+ <input type="submit" value="Go" />
+ </form>
+ {{- end}}
+ {{with .Doc.Title}}<h1>{{.}}</h1>{{end -}}
+ {{with .Doc.Links -}}
+ <nav>
+ <details open>
+ <summary><b>Links</b></summary>
+ <ul>
+ {{- range .}}
+ <li><a href="{{tourl .URL}}"{{with .Description}} title="{{.}}"{{end}}>{{with .Name}}{{.}}{{else}}{{.URL}}{{end}}</a></li>
+ {{- end}}
+ </ul>
+ </details>
+ </nav>
+ {{- end -}}
+ {{with .Site -}}
+ <nav>
+ <details>
+ <summary><b>Sitemap</b></summary>
+ {{- block "site" . -}}
+ <ul>
+ {{- range . -}}
+ <li>
+ <a href="{{tourl .Path}}">{{.Name}}</a>
+ {{- template "site" .Children -}}
+ </li>
+ {{- end -}}
+ </ul>
+ {{- end -}}
+ </details>
+ </nav>
+ {{- end -}}
+ {{if .Toc.Children -}}
+ <nav>
+ <details>
+ <summary><b>Table of Contents</b></summary>
+ <ul>
+ {{- range .Toc.Children -}}
+ {{- block "toc" . -}}
+ {{- inc .Title -}}
+ <li>
+ <a href="#/{{anchor}}">{{.Title}}</a>
+ {{- with .Children -}}
+ <ul>
+ {{- range . -}}
+ {{- template "toc" . -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+ </ul>
+ {{- end -}}
+ </li>
+ {{- dec -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+ {{- end -}}
+ </ul>
+ </details>
+ </nav>
+ {{- end}}
+ </header>
+ <main>
+ {{- with .Doc.Content}}
+ {{- range .Children}}
+ {{- template "content.html" .}}
+ {{- end}}{{end}}
+ </main>
+ <footer>
+ <p>This is a <a href="">ContNet</a> <code>text/cnm</code> page retrieved over CNP from <a {{href .URL}}>{{.URL}}</a>
+ -
+ <a href="?req&amp;resp">See request/response</a>
+ -
+ <a href="?raw">Raw CNM document</a>
+ </p>
+ <details>
+ <summary>CNP request header (<a href="?req">try</a>)</summary>
+ <pre><code class="lang-{{lang "text/cnp"}}">{{.Req}}</code></pre>
+ </details>
+ <details>
+ <summary>CNP response header (<a href="?hdr">try</a>)</summary>
+ <pre><code class="lang-{{lang "text/cnp"}}">{{.Resp}}</code></pre>
+ </details>
+ <details>
+ <summary>Try with <a href="">Netcat</a></summary>
+ <pre><code class="lang-{{lang "application/x-sh"}}">{{.Netcat}}</code></pre>
+ </details>
+ </footer>
+ {{if .Highlight}}<script src="/static/highlight/highlight.pack.js"></script>
+ <script src="/static/hlraw.js"></script>{{end}}
+ </body>