" utf-8 with LF-only line terminators is the proper way to write text files setlocal encoding=utf-8 setlocal fileencodings=utf-8 setlocal fileformat=unix " style stuff setlocal tabstop=4 setlocal softtabstop=4 setlocal shiftwidth=4 " important! cnm requires the tab character to indent setlocal noexpandtab " match indents of the current line setlocal autoindent " break lines at whitespace or symbol setlocal linebreak " match the indent of the current line when breaking lines setlocal breakindent " make line breaks obvious setlocal showbreak=… " show tab indents and trailing spaces setlocal list setlocal list listchars=tab:\|\ ,trail:· " in gray "highlight SpecialKey ctermfg=8 " for neovim "highlight Whitespace ctermfg=8