#!/bin/sh # This software is released into public domain. # It is provided "as is", without warranties or conditions of any kind. # Anyone is free to use, modify, redistribute and do anything with this software. # requires: POSIX sh, curl, tr service="${GOMF_HOST:-https://example.com/}" prog="$(basename "$0")" stdin=1 usage() { printf "Usage: %s < file\n" "$prog" printf " command | %s\n" "$prog" printf " %s file1 file2 file3 ...\n" "$prog" printf "\n" printf "Options (applies for all files following the flag):\n" printf " -S, --service=ADDR uses ADDR as the service URL\n" printf " -h, --help display this help and exit\n" printf " -- stop processing options and treat all following arguments as filenames\n" printf "\n" printf "Example: %s foo -lsh bar -u baz -p quux -L qwe asd\n" "$prog" printf " will post 'foo' and 'baz' as files, 'bar' and 'quux' as .sh pastes and 'qwe' and 'asd' as raw pastes\n" exit } upload() { file='' if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then filename="$(printf "%s" "$(basename "$1")" | tr -c -d 'a-zA-Z0-9_.+ -')" if [ -n "$filename" ]; then file=";filename=$filename" fi fi url="$(curl --progress-bar -F "files[]=@-$file" "${service%/}/upload.php?output=gyazo")" case "$url" in http*) printf "%s\n" "$url" ;; ?*) printf "%s: error: %s\n" "$prog" "$url" >&2 return 1 ;; '') return 1 ;; esac } upload_file() { stdin=0 url="$(upload "$1" < "$1")" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi printf "%s: %s\n" "$1" "$url" } while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -h|--help) usage ;; -S|--service) if [ $# -ge 2 ]; then service="$2" shift else printf "%s: option '%s' requires an argument\n" "$prog" "$1" >&2 exit 2 fi ;; -S?*) service="${1#-S}" ;; --service=*) service="${1#*=}" ;; --) shift break ;; -?*) printf "%s: unrecognized option '%s'\n" "$prog" "$1" >&2 exit 2 ;; *) upload_file "$1" ;; esac shift done while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do upload_file "$1" shift done if [ "$stdin" -ne 0 ]; then upload exit $? fi