#!/bin/bash # This software is released into public domain. # It is provided "as is", without warranties or conditions of any kind. # Anyone is free to modify, redistribute and do anything with this software. # Simple startup/configuration script for gomf-modpanel # Leave options blank ("OPTION=", "OPTION=''") or comment them out to use # gomf-modpanel defaults (see `gomf-modpanel --help`) set -e ############################################################################### # The gomf-modpanel binary #GOMF_MODPANEL_BIN=gomf-modpanel # Root folder for Gomf containing gomf-modpanel-web files # # Defaults to current directory if not set. #GOMF_MODPANEL_ROOT=~/www/gomf-modpanel-web # Root folder for Gomf containing gomf-web files # # Defaults to current directory if not set. #GOMF_ROOT=~/www/gomf-web/ # URL path prefix to serve modpanel under #URL_PREFIX=/mod/ # URL path to deletion log #DELETION_LOG=/deleted # The URL that Gomf serves uploaded files on # # Defaults to /u/ #UPLOAD_URL=https://u.example.com/ # The host to listen on for HTTP and/or HTTPS # # Use 'localhost' if using local reverse proxy, to listen to any host # or a specific hostname to only allow connections to that address. #LISTEN_HOST=localhost # The port to listen on for HTTP # # 80 for a standard HTTP server, probably a higher port (e.g. 9000) if # reverse-proxied. #HTTP_PORT=8080 # The port to listen on for HTTPS # # 443 for a standard HTTPS server. Requires TLS_CERT and TLS_KEY #HTTPS_PORT=8443 # SSL certificate for HTTPS #TLS_CERT=cert.pem # SSL certificate key for HTTPS #TLS_KEY=key.pem # List of usernames and passwords that can access the mod panel # # Entries should be in the form "user:password" #ACCESS=( # test:test #) ############################################################################### flags=() [ -n "$GOMF_MODPANEL_ROOT" ] && cd "$GOMF_MODPANEL_ROOT" [ -n "$GOMF_ROOT" ] && flags+=(--gomf-root "$GOMF_ROOT") [ -n "$URL_PREFIX" ] && flags+=(--prefix "$URL_PREFIX") [ -n "$DELETION_LOG" ] && flags+=(--deletion-log "$DELETION_LOG") [ -n "$UPLOAD_URL" ] && flags+=(--upload-url "$UPLOAD_URL") [ -n "$HTTP_PORT" ] && flags+=(--http "${HTTP_HOST:-localhost}:$HTTP_PORT") [ -n "$HTTPS_PORT" ] && [ -n "$TLS_CERT" ] && [ -n "$TLS_KEY" ] && flags+=( --https "${HTTP_HOST:-localhost}:$HTTPS_PORT" --cert "$TLS_CERT" --key "$TLS_KEY") oldifs="$IFS" IFS=, [ -n "$ACCESS[*]" ] && flags+=(--access "${ACCESS[*]}") IFS="$oldifs" printf "%s" "${GOMF_MODPANEL_BIN:-gomf-modpanel}" [ "${#flags}" -gt 0 ] && printf " \"%s\"" "${flags[@]}" printf "\n" exec "${GOMF_MODPANEL_BIN:-gomf-modpanel}" "${flags[@]}"