######################################## # core settings # set to non-zero to enable verbose output to stderr IRCBOT_VERBOSE=1 # IRC server address IRCBOT_HOST=irc.example.net # IRC server port IRCBOT_PORT=6667 # set to 1 to use TLS IRCBOT_TLS=1 # bot nick IRCBOT_NICK=sedbot # bot pass, empty to disable IRCBOT_PASS= # bot login name IRCBOT_LOGIN=$IRCBOT_NICK # bot realname IRCBOT_REALNAME=$IRCBOT_NICK # list of modules to load (array, note the parentheses) IRCBOT_MODULES=(ping ctcpversion ibip channels log sed) # truncate lines to this many bytes IRCBOT_MAX_LINE_LENGTH=400 # sleep after making connection to the IRC server IRCBOT_SLEEP_CONNECT=0 # sleep before reconnecting on disconnect IRCBOT_SLEEP_RECONNECT=10 # seconds before reconnect if no line is read (set to more than server ping interval) IRCBOT_READ_TIMEOUT=300 ######################################## # modules/channels # path to the list of stored channels CHANNELS_LIST=./ircbot.channels ######################################## # modules/ctcpversion # custom response to CTCP VERSION requests instead of bash version; optional CTCP_VERSION="$(sed --version 2>&1 | trimrn)" # some seds don't have --version, have to fix? ######################################## # modules/ibip # seconds between IBIP responses; optional IBIP_TIMEOUT=5 # custom comment on IBIP response; optional IBIP_COMMENT="See https://github.com/clsr/sedbot and pretend it's better" # set to non-zero to respond to IBIP using NOTICE instead of PRIVMSG; optional IBIP_NOTICE=0 ######################################## # modules/log # log file for IRC protocol traffic; optional LOG_IRC=./ircbot.log # log file for stderr messages; optional LOG_ERR=./ircbot.err # set to non-zero to show IRC output on stdout; optional LOG_SHOW_IRC=1 ######################################## # modules/sed # path to the timeout script; optional, used to prevent DoS regexps # see https://github.com/pshved/timeout SED_TIMEOUT_BIN=./timeout # amount of memory in kilobytes that a sed process may use when using the timeout script SED_TIMEOUT_MEM=16386