# modules/log.bash # # Logs IRC messages and bot debug/error output. # # Settings: # LOG_IRC: log file for IRC protocol traffic # LOG_ERR: log file for stderr messages # LOG_SHOW_IRC: set to non-zero to show IRC output on stdout if [ -z "$IRCBOT_MODULE" ]; then printf "error: %s is a module for ircbot.bash and should not be run separately\n" "$0" exit 1 fi if [[ -n ${LOG_IRC:-} ]]; then if [[ ${LOG_SHOW_IRC:-0} -ne 0 ]]; then exec {log_fd}> >(tee -a -- "$LOG_IRC") else exec {log_fd}>>"$LOG_IRC" fi elif [[ ${LOG_SHOW_IRC:-0} -ne 0 ]]; then exec {log_fd}>&1 fi if [[ -n ${LOG_ERR:-} ]]; then exec 2> >(tee -a -- "$LOG_ERR" >&2) fi # log received messages on_readmsg() { # args: $1 - raw message, $2 - source, $3 - command, $4... - args printf "%s <<< %s\n" "$(log_timestamp)" "$1" >&$log_fd } # log sent messages on_sendmsg() { # args: $1 - raw message, $2 - command, $3... - args printf "%s >>> %s\n" "$(log_timestamp)" "$1" >&$log_fd } log_timestamp() { TZ=UTC date -u +%s.%N }