# dwmclock settings # enable battery charge display CFLAGS+=-DBATTERY # set this to the correct path for your current system CFLAGS+=-DENERGY_FULL=\"/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_full\" CFLAGS+=-DENERGY_NOW=\"/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_now\" CFLAGS+=-DSTATUS=\"/sys/class/power_supply/ADP1/online\" # the string to match when the battery is charging; comment out to disable charging detection CFLAGS+=-DCHARGING=\"1\\n\" # possible alternative on some systems #CFLAGS+=-DENERGY_FULL=\"/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_full\" #CFLAGS+=-DENERGY_NOW=\"/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_now\" #CFLAGS+=-DSTATUS=\"/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status\" #CFLAGS+=-DCHARGING=\"Charging\\n\" # every how many seconds to refresh the battery charge display CFLAGS+=-DBAT_REFRESH_SECONDS=10 # this is here for legacy reasons, ignore it CFLAGS+=-DMUL=1 # sleep to the start of the next second instead of for 1s CFLAGS+=-DEXACT_SLEEP # make settings # default compiler CC?=gcc # compiler flags CFLAGS+=-std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -O2 $(shell pkg-config --cflags x11) LDFLAGS+=$(shell pkg-config --libs x11) # default paths DESTDIR?=/ PREFIX?=/usr/local #DESTDIR?=~ #PREFIX?=/.local