ff2mpv-go ========= Native messaging host for [ff2mpv](https://github.com/woodruffw/ff2mpv/) written in Go. Since it is a native binary, it starts faster than the official Python or Ruby implementations. Requirements ------------ - [Firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/) 50 or later - [ff2mpv](https://github.com/woodruffw/ff2mpv/) 3.0 or later - [Go](https://golang.org/) 11 or later (probably works on older versions too) - [mpv](https://mpv.io/) 0.21.0 or later Installation ------------ - `go get git.clsr.net/util/ff2mpv-go` - `ff2mpv-go --manifest > ~/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/ff2mpv.json` If `$GOBIN` is not in `$PATH`, specify the full path to the installed executable (e.g. `$GOBIN/ff2mpv-go`) when running it. If a custom mpv command is required, manually clone the repository and edit the `mpvCmd` variable in `ff2mpv.go`, then `go install` the package instead of the `go get` step. Usage ----- Use ff2mpv as normally.