path: root/USAGE
diff options
authorclsr <clsr@clsr.net>2016-06-16 02:43:54 +0200
committerclsr <clsr@clsr.net>2016-06-16 02:53:03 +0200
commit0eca77314094f11099dc99a0c8069a1cb3b2a82e (patch)
treef3c3937dd291520fb26ae8fda3052b69860d1fcc /USAGE
parentd1d96e35472f692ace7b08822d185f14913e0ea9 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'USAGE')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/USAGE b/USAGE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af6766b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/USAGE
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+Gomf usage
+ - Go1.5 or newer: https://golang.org/dl/
+ - libmagic (on Debian/Ubuntu, `aptitude install libmagic-dev`)
+ - `go get -u git.clsr.net/gomf`
+ - Go to a directory where you want to have the website files and `git clone https://git.clsr.net/gomf-web`
+ - Go to the directory with gomf-web
+ - Run `gomf`
+ Optional options for `gomf`:
+ --http HOST:PORT
+ serves HTTP on HOST:PORT
+ example: --http example.com:80
+ --https HOST:PORT
+ serves HTTPS on HOST:PORT
+ needs --cert and --key
+ example: --https example.com:443
+ --cert PATH
+ uses PATH as the TLS certificate for HTTPS
+ example: --cert ssl/cert.pem
+ --key PATH
+ uses PATH as the TLS certificate key for HTTPS
+ example: --key ssl/cert.key
+ --hsts
+ enables the HSTS header
+ example: --hsts
+ --name NAME
+ sets website name to NAME
+ example: --name Example
+ --max-size BYTES
+ sets BYTES as the upload file size limit in bytes
+ example (10 MiB): --bytes 10485760
+ equivalent bash example: --bytes $((1024 * 1024 * 10))
+ --forbid-ext EXTS
+ forbids file extensions contained in the comma-separated list EXTS
+ example: --forbid-ext exe,dll,src
+ --forbid-mime TYPES
+ forbids MIME types contained in the comma-separated list TYPES
+ example: --forbid-mime application/x-dosexec
+ --contact EMAIL
+ sets the contact email address to EMAIL
+ example: --contact contact@example.com
+ --abuse EMAIL
+ sets the abuse email address to EMAIL
+ example: --abuse abuse@example.com
+ --upload-host HOST
+ all request to HOST host will serve files directly ($host/$file, while other hosts serve them on $host/u/$file)
+ example: --upload-host u.example.com
+ --upload-url URL
+ uses URL as the prefix for address of uploaded files
+ example: --upload-url http://u.example.com/